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Corporate information

Strategic and business plans

Strategic Plan 2022-25
Last Updated: 11 April, 2022

SFO Business Plan 2023-24
Last Updated: 22 June, 2023

Annual reports and accounts

Recent SFO Annual reports as presented to Parliament, following the close of the financial year.

Publication scheme

The Freedom of Information Act encourages public authorities to make as much information as possible available to the public proactively. See our publication scheme for more information.

SFO historical background and powers

A brief introduction to the establishment of the SFO.


In the transparency section are details of certain types of expenditure which every government department is required to publish. Further transparency returns can be found at www.data.gov.uk/

Equality Objectives

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires public bodies to:

(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010;

(b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

In fulfilling our Public Sector Equalities Duty, the SFO is committed to implementing the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025.

In addition, the SFO’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023-26 provides the framework for delivery of our equality objectives, namely, to:

  • Continue implementing and monitoring our Dignity in the Workplace policy, and related policies, which address discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • Report incidents, take remedial and disciplinary action where necessary, and continuously learn from incidents and change our approach as necessary.
  • Undertake a programme designed to address and prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination. The programme will conduct research staff’s perception of our readiness to change in the area of anti-bullying, harassment and discrimination. Based on the results of this we will develop, implement and monitor a tailored action plan.
  • Improve our data-gathering and monitoring capabilities relating to protected characteristics.
  • Use improved data-gathering capability to identify areas where people with protected characteristics are under-represented, then develop, implement and monitor a strategy to increase representation in areas of under-representation.
  • Conduct equality impact assessments on policies and practices in scope.
  • Participate in cross-government initiatives to advance equality of opportunity, such as Beyond Boundaries and Catapult.
  • Continue to support our staff networks to highlight and champion diversity and foster good relations between people who share relevant protected characteristics and those who do not share them.
  • Appoint an Engagement and Inclusion Manager and an Engagement Officer to lead implementation of these equality objectives.
  • Publish data on progress against our equality objectives.

In delivering these equality objectives the SFO will follow Cabinet Office Guidance on Diversity and Inclusion and Impartiality for Civil Servants and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Expenditure Guidance.

Further information